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Methamphetamine: Stories and Letters of the Hidden Costs
by Users, Loved Ones, and Parents

Selected e-mails will be published monthly.  The purpose and intent is to discourage methamphetamine use.  If you would like to contribute, see the bottom of this page.

   My boyfriend and I have known each other for a little over six years, but only became involved almost a year ago. Way back in 2000, while I was busy being pregnant, he got heavily involved in the meth world and we went our own ways. I refused to be around that element while he'd been successfully sucked in. I had always felt close to him, so this was greatly disappointing to me, but I forced myself to concentrate on the road I had created. I had a baby to take care of. But apparently, my friendship never drifted from his mind. Every once in a while, he'd drop by my house (I was living with my dad) and hang out, or sleep. I had no idea at the time, but he was coming down pretty hard from a meth binge and needed a place to crash. Being the sympathetic person I am, I gladly welcomed him with open arms and was actually glad to have his company. Most of my friends had followed suit and dove into meth, even my best friend/cousin who I never saw anymore, so I really had no friends. So, this trend of him appearing and then disappearing continued until I literally ran into him at a job I had last year. He had just gotten out of jail and was on his way to rehab, but was picking up a tape recorder for writing. I was excited to see him (it'd been 2 years since the last time we'd seen one another), and glad he'd been clean and was trying to help himself. I gave him my cell phone number and told him to call me when he could. We kept in contact and after rehab, we were talking to each other every day and night. One day I asked him if he wanted to move in because he mentioned he was thinking of moving out of his mom's and he jumped on my suggestion. I was happy, but for more than one reason. He and I had been involved sexually one time back before my pregnancy and I was looking forward to see if it would continue. He moved in and things seemed pretty nice. He had cute habits and a goofy sense of humor which I hadn't had the opportunity to see before. But after an old buddy of his entered the picture, he was suddenly out all night, lying to me and bragging about going to strip clubs. I admit, we weren't officially "girlfriend/boyfriend", but we were sleeping together and I was hurt by this. I tried to keep my feelings hidden about this, but then he admitted to me that he'd had a relapse on "dope" or meth. I told him I was disappointed in him, but I didn't want him to move out. I felt that if I asked him to leave, he'd dive even further into meth, which is something I didn't want. I made the mistake of smoking weed with him, stupid really, and got him in trouble because he gave a dirty UA after a visit with his probation officer. He refused to turn himself in because he was looking at getting revoked on his probation, months in jail. So suddenly he became extremely paranoid and that very night he came home from peeing the dirty UA, he pulled out a little baggie with dope in it and said, '!@#$ it!' and smoked it. He was too scared to live in our old apartment because he was so nervous about the police knowing where he was, so we pulled up our roots and moved into another apartment not too far away. It seems like as soon as we moved to the new place, his use spiraled out of control. Suddenly, it seemed all he was doing was having strange people over at all times at night, constantly driving them around, always fiending for more, more, more, always going to other tweakers houses/apartments/hotel rooms and buying more. Any girl he was shepherding around I was extremely jealous of. I'd be at work and think of what he was doing and if he was cheating on me yet, or if he'd been caught by the police. I'd call him any chance I'd get if I was away and started lying to our families about whether or not he was using, though it was blatantly obvious. I was smoking weed every night with him as "time to ourselves" and as a way to get him to sleep. Usually, I'd go without sleep just because there were other people, normally girls in our place and I didn't trust him worth anything being alone with any of them. I was suddenly always tired, always paranoid, always irritated, always jealous. He started dealing and he was almost non-existent and when he was around, he was extremely moody. He had a twisted sexual habit and treated me coldly most of the time. Then somebody we both knew killed a kid and since we had such close ties with him, the cops came to our door. Since he had warrants out for his arrest, he was taken to jail along with his buddy (the one who brought him back to the meth world). They found drugs and paraphernilia at our place, but the homocide detective investigating the murder said we were lucky and weren't being charged with possession in exchange for our cooperation. I was scared stiff and quit weed instantly. He was in jail, I lost my job and had to move out of the apartment and up to live with his grandma until my finances were straightened out. After he got out of jail, he admitted to me that he'd said some awful things about me, and cheated on me with one of the tweakers-chicks that he'd been spending time with that I'd had a feeling about from the beginning. (I'd even told him to choose between me and her without actually knowing anything for sure when he was with her and "forgot" to pick me up from work one night). I forgave him, but it's been impossible to forget, especially knowing that I let that girl stay over at my place and even trusted him to be around her. He said meth makes you crazy, makes you believe that what you have isn't enough. Even so, I still feel inadequate. Fortunately, I never picked up this habit, but it still picked me up and strangled me. He's been clean for almost 7 months, let's just hope this continues.

Addict at moment of conception
   My name is Connie and I am 36 yrs old. I call myself an addict since conception because I was doomed right from the moment of conception. Drinking and using was accepted and expected in my family. I never had the choice my kids have. I talk to them almost on a daily basis and I would go thru every bit of hell again so that I can give my kids the choice I never had. Addicts and alcoholics run deep in both sides of my family. My mom is a recovering addict with 3 yrs clean but my father is 55 and still running and gunning. Meth has completely consumed him and claimed him as its own. I started drinking at 12 and smoked pot and drank heavily for years. Then i experienced crack then shooting coke at 19. I fell in love with the needle. I managed to stop the needle for 10 yrs but continued to smoke pot drink and smoke primos ( crack laced joints). I did crank for first time at 26. By 29 I was in full throttle and found my way back to the needle. I had 4 kids by this time and beat them on a daily basis. I never had any sleep and was angry all the time. I felt completely hopeless and tried to stop my heart by smoking an eight ball of crack in less than an hour. My kidneys, liver and heart have permanent damage. See, I am one of those addicts that will take one drug to counteract the effects of another and this has caused me to almost die. I checked myself into rehab in 2000 and have relapsed several times. Been clean though for 19 months now!!
   I have sold my body for meth and my food stamps. I was very thin on meth and since I have been off it I have gained ALOT of weight, which is a big trigger to return to it. I havent done meth for 19 months but I find myself wanting to even though I know the consequences. How insane is that?? The needle calls me like a bad dream, constantly doing push ups with its little pinky finger.....waiting for me to slip. God help anyone who ever tries the needle, even though the pipe and the drug itself is addictive enough.
   If you are reading this and have never done meth, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT TRY IT. It will haunt you for the rest of your life. If you have already found yourself addicted and gotten clean remember this: spend more time talking yourself OUT of getting high rather than talking yourself INTO getting high. Take it 5 minutes at a time and do not give up the fight. Your life is a gift to you and dont let that evil devils drug take from you what is yours. Your body and your soul belong to God...tell the devil to take his drug and go back to HELL with it. Dont give up the fight my fellow addicts...I love you.

   Hi. My name is Justine. I got introduced to the drug meth from a close family member, my Aunt. Yes I have to admit I loved it. It helped me get up for school, get involved in my homework, and be happy and cheerful at work. Well, that didn't last long. Not to long after I started using I left a secure, loving home at the age of 18 with no where to go and no financial stability, I quit school with only two months left until graduation, I left my job, and I cut all ties from the family that loved me and cared for me so much. I surrounded myself with horrible, ruthless criminals. I depended so much on meth in my daily life and it ruined me, well, so did my Aunt. She and her husband separated. She got a place and I moved in. We had things stolen. She lent money to people and we never saw them again. We stayed up for days, we were bad influences to her children. I lost 50 lbs., I picked at my skin. I thought I loved my boyfriend who was in jail for possession of meth. I thought I was happy. Boy, was I confused. The drug that i thought was helping my everyday life was ruining me and killing me. My spirit was dead. I was dying. I ended up going to jail for 22 days for a prior event. When I got out the boyfriend was out and deep down I knew I didn't love him anymore, but the urge to get high made me ignore that fact. My Aunt was a completely different person, she wouldn't talk to me, she was obsessed with this drug dealer who just used her for his bitch and her car and her house which was no longer a home. In the 22 days I was in jail she visited me one time, never wrote me. My mom visited me twice a week and wrote me a lot, also put money on my books. I don't know why it didn't click to me then who really loved me and cared about ME. All of the friends that I thought were my friends weren't, they no longer had interest in me because they had met my Aunt, she had money, a place, a car, and drugs of course. After a while she no longer trusted me or even liked me. She used me as her babysitter, her housemaid, and the person responsible for all of her wrong decisions and actions. I am now back at my loving, secure home with no contact to any of the mentioned above, back in school, and getting ready to be a single mom. I just want all to know that the second I started using meth I lost everything one at a time and you won't be any different. Yes the high might be nice but it will kill your dreams, goals, personality, spirit, and eventually you will die. Since I have had no contact with my Aunt I have heard she lost her kids, her job, and her car. She continued with that life and she lost everything one at a time, just as I did. Now that I am living a sober, pure life I am gaining one thing back at a time. As my mom always told me it is harder living a bad life than living a good life, and that statement I heard all my life couldn't be of more truth. Good luck to all and I hope this touches you and you don't have to go through these experiences to realize the truth. Working Citizen of the United States

   hi my name is Tara im from australia and my boyfriend has recently started smoking meth flat out from the moment the gets up in the morning that's if he has been to bed the night b4 which isn't very often, he will usually have it in his hands for over and hour before he will put the fucking thing down, he lies alot and not only that but he gets really aggressive, one morning after he had been up all night on the shit we got into an argument over it and he pushed a pull table into me, other times he has spat at me grabbed me, picked up a brick and hurled it at me and threatened to smash the shit through me... i am with Tina the wife of the meth user on i hope all meth users burn in hell because they are not just hurting them selfves but everyone else around them i love my boyfriend and i don't want the meth to take over our lives and i especially don't want to end up 6 foot under myself

   Hi, I read all of the letters and wanted to share my story. I have been doing meth for the past 7 years. I was aware of how dangerous it was years beforehand, and told myself I wouldn't do it, though I have taken ecstacy, ketamine, and ghb. I always told myself I would never start. When I started, and did it the first time, it was higher than I ever had been before. I quickly began taking it every weekend. I realized that the people around me were taking advantage of me, using me for getting things. For awhile, I thought I could control it. I thought I had control. Definitely not.
   I took it out of despair. I had a job I was locked into, unhappy with my situation, and I felt trapped. All I can say to you is that you see the world through terrible vision when you come down from being high. I had many things happen at work that caused me to get fired. I have a new job now, slipped and took meth, and almost lost my job again.
   Please find others that are trying to quit. You have to give up everything you know to quit. You have to want something better, and remind yourself of your rock bottom when you come off the drug.
   You have to throw away everything for something unknown. You have to completely change your ways and your outlook of life. You will need the help of others to do this.
   You can never become a comfortable sober person. You must be aware and keep working at things to keep from slipping. You also must quit all the bad habits that lead to using, and find other ways to cope. It is tough, but there lies hope waiting for you. There are certain steps, things to learn... It takes time, but you're worth it.
   My rock bottom is that the meth did something terrible to the cartilage in my knees, I have sharp pains when I move my legs a certain way, and have a terrible time climbing stairs, like an old man. I'm 36. This may be permanent damage. I don't want to think of any of the other damage I have done to my body. I feel as though it has aged me quicker as well.
   I stopped and my body is turning things around a bit.
   Meth is a test for the soul. It is a lesson you must learn. If you can turn your face away from meth, you have conquered a lesson a thousand lives cannot teach. If you can see it to sobriety, and why you need to quit, you can attain a peace and serenity few people can attain in our society today. The struggle is not only to strengthen your soul, but to take you to a much higher place someday. It is up to you to look deep inside yourself and lay the first step to quit.
   The only person that has the key to your own future is you. Stop blaming others and your poor situation and start looking after yourself. No one else will. It is your own choice. The doors will start to open and things realign themselves to help you when you do.

   HI i am a 14 and i have lost one boyfriend and a bestfriend to meth. It was the most hurtful thing that i have ever went through. I thought i was going to die myself. I was scared when they both started using it and i did not know what else to do but us it too. It was the worst thing i could have ever tasted. And i did not do it anymore after that, but they keep using. I did not know what to do i would be just sitting there talking to them both and they would just start laughing or crying or screaming out of no where. Like they were some kind of animals or something. And they keep using for a long time. And they got so skinny that you could just almost see right through them it was scary. I did not know what to do i was just so scared that i would just sit at home and not do anything or go anywhere with neather one of them. Then one day my boyfriend or ex at the time cause it just got way to out of hand but i still loved him and he called and said that he wanted to come over and see me. So he drove over that evening and we where just standing in the living room and he just went crazy almost and just started hitting me. And then my father walked in and got him off me and made him leave and then about a month later i found out him and my bestfriend had died. Cause they where going down the road and was high of corse and had a car reck and come to find out them two had been fouling around and she was with child. I still miss them both to this day i just wished i could have gottin them help. Now i feel like am the reason that they are both now dead but i have talked with some people and i found out yeah i could have done something but it was their own falt. But i hope they both know that i miss them and i still love them both even to this day. i was 14 at the time but i am 16 years old know. And i have not let a person i know get by with doing meth or any other durg. Well at least their in a better place were there is nouthing to hurt them now.

   I came across your web site while doing some research on meth addiction. As I begin to read the letters from various people it was like reading bits and pieces of my own life. I too got involved with meth and even though it was for a very brief time, thank God, it almost completely destroyed me. I’ve never seen a drug so evil and so utterly destructive as meth. If I started at the beginning of my life’s story this letter would be way too long. So I will just share what my experience has been since I got involved with meth. It didn’t take me long to go down hill fast. I skipped the elementary ways of doing it and went straight to shooting it. From the very first time I knew that I was hooked. I loved it. Nothing ever made me feel the way meth did. And I had even been on morphine for over a year. After trying meth morphine no longer held a hold on me. I had once said that I would never , ever do that nasty stuff meth. You know the old saying. Never say never. I was staying with a person who was know as one of the biggest drug dealers in our town so their was always lots of dope. The type of people who would come and go out of this place would not be the type of people that you would want your dog to hang out with and yet here I was in the middle of it. I saw things and heard things and found out about things that I wish I could forget. My own health went down hill so fast that it scared me. I lost over 25 lbs. in less than a month. My hands had open sores on them and were so dry that they were cracking and splitting and had gotten infected. My face was pale and sunk in. My body was dehydrated and depleated of the nutrients that it needed. Meth poisons the body and sucks out all the necessary elements that we need to stay healthy. What I saw was a picture into hell itself. Meth is the most evil drug that there is and no one can convence me otherwise. It takes and takes and takes and won’t stop until it has your soul!!!!! I am now 9 months clean from meth and everything. I’ve been given a second chance at life and today I am so greatful that I’m alive and free. I have made a decision in my heart to do anything I can anywhere, anytime, anyhow to help share my story, experience, strength and hope with anyone who is struggling with this demon and wants help. And by the way I didn’t go into any treatment center to detox. I did it at home with the help of a very dear loved one and then when I was physically strong enough I got my butt to an NA meeting and found a sponsor and started working the steps. I had a choice either get busy living or get busy dying. I decided to get busy living. Thanks for letting me share.

Oh my. Where to begin...
   Well I got an e-mail about heroine addiction and after following a few links it led me to you. I have really been struggling lately and I don't know how to move forward at this point. I guess the best way for me to help you understand is for me to give you some history...
I was born 1 month premature and lived my first month in intensive care due to my mother's meth addiction. Thanks only to God i did not develop any real learning disabilities or other defects. I was taken from my mom for the first time when i was three years old. over the next five years I was in fifteen different foster homes frequently separated from my four other siblings. We all went in and out of foster care several times until i was adopted at the age of 7. To this day i still have not seen my two younger sisters and i have an awful relationship with my older brother and sister. Once again due to my mother's drug abuse. I have suffered every kind of abuse possible and at the same time every kind of love. My adoption ended when I was 10 yrs old and i have been in five homes since then. I'm now sixteen and am almost as normal as any other young girl - that is not in any way thanks to my mom except that because of her i had the opportunity to be raised by real families. My mom was clean for two years and we had a really healthy relationship and she relapsed thirteen months ago. I have barely spoken to her in the last year since i found out and I'm really having a hard time. I was crushed in those few months after I found out about it and i really haven't moved forward very much. I can't find a way to forgive her and it's tearing me apart inside. I'm so ashamed of her, and the choices she makes, and the people she associates with, and just everything about her life while she uses. It's like she's a totally different person than who she was while she was clean. I really don't like the new(really the old) version of her. (sigh) I just don't know what to do and I thought maybe one of you "experts" could give me a clue...
--~losing hope~

   My name is Tyra and I am almost 18 years old and I have been clean from meth for almost 10 months now.....When I was 15, I moved to Kamloops, BC, Canada. I got caught up in the wrong group...I tried crystal meth for the first time and shortly after that I became addicted..I started going out with my now ex boyfriend who is still a HUGE methead...He still breaks into cars and garages(for nice bikes and systems, valuables, etc) to trade them in for meth....but I used to do the same with him and his buddies to...He had just turned 17 when we started going out and his buddies( they were like 25-28 years old). but anyway...I was only addicted to it for 6 months straight but I know ALL the effects of the drug....I have seen a lot of crazy shit happen when people are on the drug(example....brutal beating. killings). Oh....one night when I was on meth...I lost 12 pounds within 12 hours...It was scary...I'm so glad I don't do it anymore.....I look so much better and feel so much better to......Everyone I used to hang out with.......still does it...and their livies are probably a living hell......And as for my ex boyfriend...he now has the worst case of HEPATITIS C and he's only gonna turn 19 on March 1st. His skin is yellow and he looks extremely unhealthy. I feel bad for him...And who knows...he could have AIDS or HIV. I don't think he'll live untill he's 22 the way he's going, but IT"S ALL BECAUSE OF CRYSTAL METH!!!!!! I'm glad I'm out of that lifestyle. BUT TO ALL OF YOU THAT WANT TO TRY CRYSTAL METH....DON'T, BECAUSE IT WILL RUIN YOUR LIFE AND THE ONE'S YOU LOVE TO. and to all you that still do it......stop before it's too late, the way your going, you'll be dead before you know it. If you don't die from the drug, you'll die from being killed by another junkie. IT'S A CRAZY DRUG THAT'LL MAKE YOU GO COMPLETELY INSANE!!!!!!!!

   This is my story. My drug…My life. And I loved it. At least for a little while. Meth. An uncontrollable drug. It was said meth or Life. To me, it was life and I swore to myself I wouldn’t let myself to ever come to try it. Sitting at the HSA (Counseling Services), reading an article….on … Meth… I saw the pictures. I read the stories. There was no doubt in my mind that meth was a drug I would never try, did NOT want to try. Ever. August 2005 cruises were big to me. I had to have my daily cruise with my three best friends in the entire world. We picked up "Hitchhiker" and he had a bulb. Naïve me wanted to try “da shit” not knowing what it was, too afraid to ask. SO I did, one hit, but not good enough. We had dropped off Jay and Teddy (my then best friends) and once again wanted to try “da shit.” I liked the taste, I liked the way we smoked it. Oblivious to the world around me and what I was doing I wanted and feigned more, we parked in a field overlooking highway 212 and paranoia was overcome by my feign for more. We smoked all night and all morning until sun broke through the clouds. I went home spun, lost and wanting more and more. I felt in a cloudy haze. The funny thing is I smoked the shit before I even knew what drug I was using. Then jay told me. She told me what happened to her. And at the moment I laughed… remembering my sole promise not to ever do this shit… and not only days later doing it and wanting even more… So my wish was granted and I got more. Maybe too much, maybe not enough? Either way I enjoyed my buzzs but the days after were hell. I decided to have some control and only keep it the weekends. Ha. Fuck that. Frustrated and upset because my smoking privileges had been taken away for the weekday I laid on the couch grim. So I got what I wanted and I crashed the next day, the wrong day. New Beginnings. A place where fuckups go. Where I went. But only for two days. I hated it. I hated myself. And suicide was an option. I wasn’t ready to die. I wouldn’t be able to have my shit. I came back. On house arrest, again my thoughts were suicide. Option B. the shit. Option B it was. More shit and I was happy again… at least for a little while. It tore me down like a mad driven dog infected with rabies. Continuously smoking the bulb, the pip, a foil, was a habit and when I didn’t have it I crashed. Hard. It was almost too much until I started to feel like shit and the only way to overcome this was by smoking more. So more I got. I was happy. I was scared. I wasn’t happy. I loved it. But even more. I hated it. I never wanted to see it again. I wanted my life back. I was getting better. At least I was hiding it better. I went to school. But she didn’t. We smoked for two weeks straight. Before school. After school. Until I went home at 9. probation and meth didn’t mix too well. Even after I’d sneak out. They’d sneak in. life was at its best. At least I thought it was. For her it wasn’t. school wasn’t an option. She didn’t go. She got sent. My best friend. Amanda. Rage. I went crazy. Everytime I would think of this shit tears would form. I went from being happy and loving the shit to hating it deep down inside and wanting to forget it all. My life was getting better. I had foster parents. And the shit came back once. No. this time paranoia overcame my feign and the shit left me. Two weeks later, two weeks of being clean. My birthday. Presents! My present. The shit. I was devastated and overcome with grief and fear. But all the anger for the shit inside me was taken out on itself. So I slipped once and I went back home with my birth mom. No one knew I slipped. Everything was cool. I’ve been clean since then. Until now. As I sit here I ponder over letting my clear sense of thought leave my mind for one more bulb. And I decide yes. Bulb it is. It's never gonna leave. My mind that is. It will always be in the back of my mind calling me to smoke more. All I can do is fight it. For my future. For my life.
*~*Laura~*~aka ls

Set up
   Hi my name is Tim from St.Cloud Mn Im 32 years old. All my life I stayed away from illegal drugs till 1999 when I got divorced I started drinking till I ended up drinking to the point of intoxication every night.. I tried to quit drinking in 2003 . I stopped drinking went in to get treated for depression Dr. gave me prozac.. I was thinking I was finlly going to get my life on track. My best friend Tom at that time ended up moveing into my house and it did'nt take long I was influanced enuff to go back to drinking...
   Then one night in evening in 2003 we were getting ready to go out I was sitting on the couch.. he sat down on the couch across from me. and pulled out a peace of shinny tin foil and a gutted out ink pen. he asked me if I wanted some. I dont know what's it like? At that time I was takeing alot of over the counter stuff to stay alert I was putting alot of hours in at work.. He told me try it you wont need to take them pills.. I was turning it down at first untill he smoke some out of his foil. Then I thaught Oh what the heck My life is hell whats it going to hurt it can't get any worse so I gave it A try . I figured hay I've never seen this stuff before but heard alot about it. Over the next couple of weaks we would go meet so friends of his in Clear Water thats where he would get his meth from.. As time went on he was bringing me around more and more people involved with meth.. On 1/1/2003 he braught me to this gravel pit where one off his friends was cooking up a batch when I walked in he was pooring some stuff trough a filter.. One night he got arrested on DWI charges he never came back but people that hung out with him kept comeing around. When i would try to keep my prioriies straight it seemed like there was always someone that I met trough him that would influance me to go the wrong direction. There was a few times he had mentioned cooking some at my place and I did'nt want to...
   I cut ties with him and it didnt take long I rented a room to someone else.. One night I woke up to a bunch of noise in the middle of the night and the strong smell of amonia. I got up out of bed to find he was in the middle of cooking one up. and started a fire in the porch... He would use my car and not bring it back. car ended up getting repoed and I lost my job.. When I told him I did'nt what that around here he blew up at me.. one thing kept leading to another till my house got raided on feb 18 2005 couple weaks after I kicked him out. I got arrested for a warant for unpaid fines.sat in jail for nine days when I got out I was told that 5 min after the task force left they drove in and cooked 1 up.. I was thinking great people are going to be scared to bring any of that stuff around here again. I was wrong the night before the raid I told everyone to get out nobody would listen. This whole time Im without a phone or car .. When I got home from jail I found everything I had was taken ...
   After thinking things over I figured out that Toms sister is a police officer his mom is a chemical dependancy counciler and played hockey with my exbrother inlaw. Toms Family friends with my exinlaws. Almost everyone else that was involved in all this eather used to work for my exfather inlaw of went to school with my exbrotherinlaw, After all this im going to a shrink that i found out that is related to Tom.. I figured out that every person that ever pushed drugs on me or cooked dope around was relaited to a police officer or involved in law enforcement so in my mind im thinking if the law would quit makeing drugs and quit pushing drugs on people there would'nt be so much of a drug problem .......

   The reason I stumbled upon this site is due to some very unpleasant circumstances in my life. I have been struggling with severe anxiety and psychosis for quite some time, and I believe it is a result from long-term drug use.
   I began smoking pot when I was 14 and soon moved to acid and cocaine. I was using all types of drugs at rave parties by 15 (ecstasy, methamphetamines, acid, crank, cocaine, etc.) I eventually took a break at age 17, but never stopped smoking pot and drinking.
   When I started college I ran into old friends and began my two-year glass binge. It seems people who visit this site are already familiar with this drug and its short-term effects so I won't indulge in the details.
   Currently, I haven't touched any mind-altering substance in over two years, but still suffer from the consequences. I struggle with feelings of intense fear and being lost or misunderstood. I have trouble with my perception of reality. It is very frightening. I would never wish this nightmare on my greatest enemy. I went through the past years of my life with no regrets...Now I do. Please realize the severity of the adverse effects of drugs and the fragility of our life and mind.

   I'm a 46 year old mother of 3 (ages 20, 22 and 24). I was one of the naive ones, because my 20 year old daughter was addicted to Meth for about a year and a half, maybe two years, and I didn't have a clue. I knew she was acting strangely, but she's had some emotional issues ever since mine and her Dad's divorce a few years ago so I thought that's what it was. Then I asked her to decorate the Christmas tree one day a couple of years ago. When I got home from work, nothing had been done. My daughter's response was that she couldn't do it and started crying hysterically. She was afraid she wouldn't do it right! Then she started getting up early in the morning (which was unusual for her), getting her purse and heading out the door to go to work with my husband and saying some very weird things. She had been hanging out with my daughter-in-law's mother and sister. Apparently, they were all on Meth, and I didn't know it. She said that being with them gave her something to do and, since she had no other friends, I felt sorry for her and didn't push the issue. How stupid was I? She lost weight (about 30 pounds in a month) and started staying gone all weekend with her boyfriend. We tried everything, but nothing we said seemed to phase her. She was going to do whatever she wanted to regardless of what we said or did. Then she started talking to herself and hearing voices, and I knew we were in real trouble. It was always the same thing, the devil's voice and friends who wanted her dead. One morning she tried to hang herself because a voice told her to. It had taken a while for me to get it, but I was finally getting it. My daughter had a serious problem and was in deeper than I ever imagined. We've spent the last two Christmases with her at the hospital, once for a week, the last time for a month. I don't know the extent of my daughter's use. I always thought it wasn't as bad as others I heard about. I guess I believed what I wanted to until the ugly truth slapped me right in the face. The truth is that my daughter's not the same person she used to be. She's on three medications, and the doctors have diagnosed her as being bi-polar and paranoid schizophrenic. She's doesn't like taking the medicine, but she can't function without it. How long will she have to take Lithium, Abilifi and Effexor twice a day just to function? I don't know. Will she ever be normal without it? I don't know, and neither do her doctors. It's possible that "ice" did something to her brain that can't be fixed. Just don't fool yourself like I did. This is the devil's drug -- created and marketed by the devil himself! I believe that with all my heart. Why do people do it knowing what it can do to them? Because they love the way it makes them feel - like everything in the world is good. Like they can do anything. Girls who have been heavy all their lives can lose weight without even trying. Guys with lifelong ADD can stay focused and function better than at any other time in their lives. I read on this site that no one gets off Meth without doing jail time or dying. My daughter hasn't done either, but then, there are more ways to die than one. Don't try it just one time. Because you'll probably like it. You'll probably love it. And it will cost you. Be assured that it will cost you dearly. You're no better than anyone else who ever tried it. You'll probably lose everything you have. Your house, your car, your good job, your kids, your husband or wife, your freedom, your sanity. The good news is that with a hell of a lot of work, some things can be replaced. The bad news is that no matter what you do, some things can't.
--Naive No More

My Love Letter
   Hi my name is Alycia. This is my love letter. I met my fiancee when we were sophomores in high school. We got into some trouble there shortly after and moved to Colorado to be in a drug treatment program while in jail until he turned 18yrs old. We lost touch after that, I then ran into him again in a Wal-Mart, and we started dating again.
   I never knew he had a meth problem when I ran into him into again. He had been clean since he got arrested, and he was working, and to me I thought that he changed his life around. We dated for awhile and we great. I was so proud of him. Then him and his parents were having fights all the time, and he started drinking alot, then I stated drinking, and they kicked him out of there house.
   Before he left his parents home, he stole their credit card and went to the ATM and with drew $600.00 over a three day time period. I had no idea what was going on, because I was always at school, or work. Then one day he called me and said that there were at least 50 following him, and that he had stolen the money and used it to buy meth. I told that I didn't see anymore, and I wanted nothing to do with. A few hours later he called me and told me that he loved me, and was turning himself in. When I got to Prescott, I called the county jail, and he was there. I broke my heart, I cried for hours, the pain I felt. I kept asking myself how could he do this to me? How could he love this drug more then me? I just didn't understand.
   He was released a few weeks later, then he came to live with me and my dad, started working again, we doing great again. Then he started hanging out with his old friends, and the spiral began again. Expect this time he told that he was using, and that he didn't love meth more then me. I believed him with everything I had. We moved into a "safe" house for users, where he began to use, and we began to sell together. We were doing pretty good for ourselves, when a warrant got issued for his arrest because he failed to pass a UA.
   Two months later, he was dropping me off at my college for my night class, and campus security threw him up against my car and arrested him. I have never seen him cry until then. I went and saw him in jail a few days later, and he told me that he was done, and that getting arrested in front of me, set him over his limit. He is now serving a six month sentence in a state prison.
   My fear is that the meth is going to take him over again, and that our love, and my support and his desire that he has expressed, for quiting the drug. I already lost a mom the meth and I don't want the lose the man that I want to have a family with. He is all I have and am all his got. I just worry that his desire and my love aren't going to be enough. I guess time will only tell. But its my love story and I will do whatever it takes to get to the end of it, where we will happily ever after.

My story...and theirs
   Hi! I am withholding my name for personal reasons. I am almost 40 years old and I have been watching the destruction meth has caused for the last 18 years. It killed one of my friends. Sent my ex to prison. Broke up many families and has taken away many children. I have read a lot of the stories on your site and it is sad and enlightening. There is both hope and despair. My problem is I have dabbled in drugs since I was 18, never really became "hooked". I like to smoke pot and drink, that's it. My downfall could have been cocaine,but I got out before it was too late and stayed away for many years. I even got to the point where I could be around it and not want it, not feel the cravings! Very proud of myself for that one, it was hard! My problem now is I want to go back. I read the stories and think, "No! Don't do it". It's just that little voice in the back of my head saying YES! it won't hurt if you just dabble! Ha! I know better and have managed to stay away. (Cocaine talks to you also!) I have a wonderful daughter, she means the world to me. I am a single mom and just trying to raise her and better myself. I just recently got out of the relationship with her father. Long story, he is a major a-hole and caused me a lot of heartache and despair. The problem, everything is fine now and I am doing well. Good job, nice house and car. I started hanging around with some old friends of mine and I know they use. I have never been subjected to it, but I know they are doing it. I have some anger issues against my ex and I feel like he is always watching me or having someone watch me and I don't know where to turn! I think that is why I want to become self-destructive. I feel like I can't be myself anymore, he has hurt me emotionally more than anyone will ever know and I believe I am trying to escape by using again. I haven't, but boy do I want to!!! I must admit that sometimes I feel like a "tweeker". Hiding in my house with all the shades and curtains shut, watching everyone and everything around me. Wondering if they are following me. Is it okay to wear this, do this, go here, go there. It is seriously driving me crazy and I don't know what to do. I know drugs are not the answer. I was at a party one night with these old friends and it suddenly hit me, they have not changed in 10+ years. Some hold down good jobs, but basically, everything is the same!! Same drugs, same people, same songs. Another problem I have, I really like one of these old friends. I have always liked him and wanted to get together with him, but we have always been with other people. Now we are both single and there is a chance. I don't need that chance, but I want it. I seem to want a lot of things lately, none are good for me. He is an addict, shoots and anything else you can think of . He does not look like he does drugs. Clean cut, etc.. I find this strange as all the stories talk of a change in appearance, he looks the same. He has never been fat and right now he feels like he has meat on his bones when I hug him. Why hasn't he changed? Why no sores, no dark circles? Is he straight? No, I just want him to be. He flat out admitted he went on a 2 week dope binge and that is why he had not called. I know I don't need this in my life, I love my girl and would not let anyone or anything hurt her! He would just lead my down a road of drugs and destruction and I know it would ultimately lead to a loss that would be unbearable. I don't need to lose weight, I am naturally thin, even after giving birth and I do not look my age (would like to keep it that way!) I have made a promise to myself to just let it go. Don't hang out with them anymore. Quit going to see them. Just distance myself. But I am lonely and it is hard to do. I have friends, I am lonely for male companionship. There are plenty of men out there who want to date me, but as they say, you can't help who you love or lust for. I seem to be attracted to the "lost souls" or addicts. I want to care for them, I know that doesn't work. I just dumped a guy because he lost his two children due to neglect and drugs. I just couldn't deal with the fact that he let it happen to his children. He won't take the blame. Blames his mom or his ex. It is his ex's fault, but not his moms! Their house was unliveable, they let the children (2 and 3 years old) wander the streets because they were sleeping off the drugs. You know, same old story, diffrent names. I DO NOT WANT TO GO DOWN THIS ROAD!! I know I am no better than anyone else. I come from an Upper-middle class home. So do all my old friends and look where they are!! Still on drugs, still living day to day! I want to travel with my daughter and show her all the beauty there is in this world, not all the ugliness that comes from using. I just feel vulnerable right now and sometimes my true friends are not that great of a support system. Too much going on their lives to listen to my pleas for help. The stories have helped and for that I am truly grateful. Please pray for me!! Please let me get through this very hard time in my life and become a better person for it. I need and deserve it and so does my daughter.
   I have one last thing to say. I noticed that a lot of women continue to have children while they are living with their addicts. Please!! Go get birth control. It is readily available. There is no sense in bringing yet another child into your world right now. I have my tubes tied. Do that!! Children do not deserve to live in a world full of hate and betrayal. Remember they did not pick you as parents! I am not preaching....just feeling for the kids. A baby does not solve problems in a marriage, especially a marriage that is also married to drugs. I do not want to go down that road of drugs and deceit and if I continue to see these people I know I will. Help!

   hi, my name is stacey and i am 18. i don't know where to begin. i guess when i tried meth the first time i just said...oh i just want to try it once. see, where i grew up is pretty much right in the meth capital of the state i live in, just out in the middle of nowhere...but it's everywhere...the devil owns that county. so i tried it, and the next day my skin was crawling real bad and i was like, i'm never going to try this again, i don't like this feeling....sad how it is, right now i miss that feeling. i tried it for the first time not even a year ago, i think sometime at the beginning of april or so..... the 2nd time i did it was right before my high school graduation....something u can only do once and i was spun. i ran into someone i hadn't seen in a long time in towards the end of june...i guess i was set up....cuz i spent from then until the middle of august on meth...there might have been maybe 4 days in that time i didn't do it. i was home maybe 5 days of that time, other than that i stayed wherever and i worked, i waitressed and dishwashed at a fast-pace restaraunt in a town close to where i stayed all the time. i guess at the time, i didn't realise....maybe this is a bad idea, driving dealers around with meth inside of my car registered in my parents names....(2 of those dealers are now in prison) about 2 weeks into it i remember telling the ppl i was hanging out with..."i'm not an addict, i just want to have some fun before i leave to go to college" and now i realise why they all laughed at me for saying that comment....i'm little to begin with....i lost at least 20 lb i was down to 110, my collarbones stuck out, my cheekbones were prominant, my eyes were sunk in and surrounded by dark rings...i looked like total shit and i didn't realise it really... i lost all of the friends i had before then....at the beginning of july i became engaged, but i wouldn't quit meth for him, every time i talked on the phone with him while i was one it, every day for a month and a half, i was nowhere near loving, i sounded like i hated him, i was so hateful towards him...my best friend for over 3 years...my fiance...i was so mean to him, and i didn't quit for him... i was engaged for a month and a day and then i broke up with him, bc he still wanted to work it out, but i was fucked up and i knew nothing would be the same btwn us ever again, so that was the only thing i could do, end it...we don't talk anymore and i ruined how he will be around any woman for the rest of his life. i never was home and i always called to say i wasn't coming home...once again. i went home one day and my parents asked me about it and i just laughed it off like...ya, "like i'd do anything that stupid, it's so bad for you" it got to a point where ppl could barely understand what i was saying when i was talking cuz my words were so slurred...i stopped going to church, i spent all my time & energy doing it, driving around, looking for it, and working...... that's all. then it happend, one day at work i got so paranoid, my brain was so shot...anyone who knew anything about meth or did it could tell i was an addict and just spun out of my mind....i thought everybody in the restaurant was looking at me, and could tell, and were talking about me and the ppl i hung out with. by the time i clocked out i couldn't think straight, i thought if i left work in my car the secondi got onto the road i would get pulled over, so i called a friend and paid her 20 bucks to come get me. while i was waiting i ran across the street to the bank to deposit my 80 bucks in tips so that if the cops were to search me they wouldn't wonder why i had that much cash in my wallet....i was just sketched out and gone....i freaked out everyone. people i had done it with started to cut me off cuz they knew i had gotten too far into it way too fast. 2 days later i went home, i was coming down hard core and my dad comfronted me told me my ex-fiance told him and my mom everything about what i had been doing and i flipped my lid...i started jsut yelling and it was terrible, i don't think i've ever been so mean. my dad told me to "look at myself", and all i did was scream back, "i know i look like shit, i know it do, ok" i got my car taken away and was just finishing up my job bc i was going to leave for college in a few weeks. my last day of work i was there for 45 minutes but had to leave bc i was withdrawing so bad i was in the bathroom puking my guts out. for 2 straight weeks i had nothing....after being a beginner, and going on a month 1/2 meth binge, i was totally cut off. i could barely sleep at night, my skin crawled constantly, i had a continuous migrane and was puking....i was in hell. the day i got my car back, the weekend b4 i started college, the first place i went was to get meth and ended up doing it that weekend. i came home 2 weeks later on labor day weekend...didn't even visit my parents...just looked for meth and eventually, the day i had to leave, i found it. i went 2 1/2 months......without it..until the weekend b4 thanksgiving..and thanksgiving weekend. amazing after 2 1/2 months i still craved it, thought about it, just the thought of curling up with a pipe in my hand with the smoke rolling right now makes me feel like finding a car and driving 4 hours just for that purpose.....even after all the bad things that happened to me, after all the shit i put everyone thru, the friendships and love that i lost, how awful i looked.....i'm a different person now than i am b4 i started using, my personality....my brain is fucked, sometimes i feel just retarded, and i think back to days this summer when i wasn't even on it and i was still "stupid as fuck" so to speak, and i still dream of using, at this very moment.....i am dependent and at least half the time i think about using meth.... it is the one and only love/hate drug out there. i know what it does to ppl...i'm more afraid than u could possibly realise about going up back home for Christmas in a couple weeks, but yet i look forward to it....both for the same reason. see i went 2 1/2 months, but i did it again, i'm back to the crawling skin, headache, withdrawl(like i am every day) mode. it's no lie to say that Satan is inside of my soul and at least, if not more than, half of it belongs to him and only him. i regret ever trying it, but the other half of me doesn't. PLEASE, i beg u, stay away from this drug. it's so easy to just try it, but so damn hard to quit, it eats at your soul constantly. it's evil.

   We fought drug addiction in my sons life for fifteen years.Then lost him at 36 to a drug over dose.We were good parents.Lived in a nice part of town.Very involved in our children's lives.We were robbed by drugs of our only son growing old.He was robbed of any kind of life that was worth much.His life was ruled by one drug or another for the last 15 years of his life.Not to mention the hell we went through with him .Praying,begging,pleading,bribing.One recovery program after another.Our son at 21 was a police officer,handsome,smart.He had a good wife and 2 cute kids by the time he was 23.But by then he was so hooked on steroids and pain killers he didn't care.He progressed from there to everything else,legal prescriptions to illegal street drugs.Jail the whole 9 yards.In Sept of this year 2005.We buried our handsome son and a large piece of ourselves.You hear the sayings people throw out like get between your child and drugs no matter what it takes.Have you ever tried to get between an addict and their drugs?I don't believe there was anything we didn't try.He had damaged his heart over the years with all the drugs and it only took 2 little pain patches...one was 2 days old to kill him.The pain an addict suffers is not much greater than the family that is living the nightmare with them.Now he is dead and we are still suffering..I only wish it were me and not him,but only if he would live on as a non addict.Addicts die from the moment they start drugs.We lost our son 15 years ago but we buried him 3 months ago.Our hearts are crushed.We never have stopped loving him.And I do believe only God can help an addict.Not rehab.
--Brenda....one of many weeping mothers

   I am 21 years old, I graduated High School. I have read some of the stories I seen on the web-site. I have been through alot, in my life, but nothing has ever brought tears to my eyes the way this web site did. I have NEVER used any type of drug, I tried a cigarette once, and about got sick. I am really sorry to hear that this world has gotten so bad. It makes me sick to read some of these stories, the moms,sisters,dads, and wifes, who care about there loved ones. They don't even realize what they are loosing. For once, before you snort,swallow,or inject that drug, think about the ones who loves you,you only have one life and it's short enough live it and be happy. Make the most out of life, don't take your life away. There is always someone out there who will listen, and help you. The main person who will listen to you watches over you everyday, His name is God. Have you ever heard the saying God loves you, well he does. Look at yourself, and say I can do this, I can get help, and I will. I deal with my problems, like anyone should, in a reasonable matter, I have people to talk to. I don't rely on a drug that's weak, it takes a stronger person to say NO, only the weak say O.K. I'll do it. Be strong and have faith in yourself, because I believe in everyone of you, and I'll will go to bed tonight and pray for all the crystal-meth users out there. I hope that some day this drug can be put away with because I don't want my son to even know something like this existed. It's sick, and sad, that God gave you life, and you are disrespecting him by taking it away from yourself. LOOK AT WHAT GOD SACRAFICED TO GIVE YOU LIFE. BE APPRECIATIVE!!!

Meth and drug programs
   I wanted to put in my two cents worth on my opinion of the program that I know of in California and probably most other states as well.
   I have many meth users in their 20's, 30's and 40's always seeking guidence from me as they see me as someone who has educated themselves on opiates, barbituates and meth. I try not to judge them, but point out that anytime they find that their drug of choice (alcohol included) has taken or is nearing taking top priority in thier thoughts and therefore their lives, then they have entered the realm of selling thier soals in order to destroy whatever is left of themselves. DRUGS ARE A ONE WAY STREET, AT THE END DESTRUCTION. But I just cannot accept the criminal justice system offering drug offenders a drug program over prison or jail time when these programs are set up to ensure failure for the largest percentage that pass through their so-called drug re-habilitation schedules.
   If thier is such a thing as auditing these programs, at least the ones I have looked closely at in southern California, then I believe the person inspecting the success of such programs would have to conclude that these people who are givin the chance to stay out of jail while also rehabilitating are worth $150 a head for every meeting the re-hab can log in.
   They schedule meetings only at 7 p.m. in the mountain valley where I live. This prevents this addict no chance to hold down a job for long because they also demand that people be at meetings or counciling in mornings and afternoons of 3 days a week plus they must show proof of attending AA meetings somewhere 3 times a week.
   How can an addict change their life when they cannot be allowed a job to give them purpose or at least so they can afford transportation to all of the meetings. I have seen failure after failure not due to falling back on drugs but for missing one of the too numerous to count meetings, ones that pay the folks running these re-habs 150. per person per meeting.
   This is just the latest person I know who was ripped from his family and job last month to serve his prison sentence because he was late for his monthly court appointment. Well he was sentenced not because of being late for court but when the drug -hab seen that Brent had been on their program the alloted 2 years and that tthey would no longer recieve a dime for his head, they went to court and announced that they would not accept Brent back on the program.
   His probation officer rattled off something about he was sure that Brent had somehow figured a way to cheat on a drug test 5 months earlier which was his reason for not standing upfor Brent, yet no mention of this until the state's money alloted per person came to an end for Brent.
   This young man changed from a thug to a productive family man and yes he busted his tail to never miss a single meeting (except during time grandmother passed away-2 days were missed after he received permisssion). He had a good job and a wonderful spouse 3 stepdaughters who he was determined to keep away from drugs and they had just been blessed with a beautiful new baby daughter that they named Faith. They came up with this name to signify their faith in his staying clean and sober and faith in a wonderful future as a family.
   He worked eveyday in construction making $18 & plus an hour and never went anywhere but to work, re-hab, AA, and outings with the entire family.
   After the re-hab group and probation officer(who also worked out of the same re-had) refused to keep him in the program and the probie's crap about he knew, but couldn't prove Brent tampered with drug test results 5 months prior was enough for the judge to look at Brent's old record which was quite long, and then sentence him to 16 months or the original jail time deferred due to the choice he made to take drug court ,
   So what had this one young man learned. That by working harder than he had ever worked before in his life in order to succeed and get off drugs for good and at the same time work as hard as any one ever had at providing for his family of 6. and all the while reading books and trying to learn how to be the best father and mentor for his children possible.
   He learned that when you are only 51/2 weeks away from being one of those who made it and had earned his place in his community as a productive citizen, unless he could afford to pay $150 a meeting for the next 51/2 weeks out of his own pocket then it was all for nothing.
   I personally resent this judge and the state for charging me taxes to pay for his recovery only to have him succeed and then dragged away because he was no longer a profitable venture for the drug re-hab or probation officer. and now I have to see my tax dollars support him in jail for no reason and don't forget the nursing spouse with 4 children & a newborn having to now go onto public assistane in order to survive, (which does't actually give them enough to keep the roof they now have over their heads and food on thier table) Brent had a stack of letters sent to the judge on his behalf from his employer, and many of the people he had burnt in the past when a druggie, including a letter from me, all singing the praises of the remarkable change in this young man's life over the past 2 years, but no this is what was shown to all who watched his hard dedicated work to succeed including a large number of others who where in the very same program called drug court re-hab.with Brent. and due to thier seeing Brent's success many of them were finding some hope that they could succeed in this program.
   I now I have heard that many of them have basically said "the hell with it , because they won't let you make it" .
   What I have stated here I know as factual, because myself & another friend called the re-hab before Brent's court date for consideration for the re-had to accept Brent on their program for his final weeks,. When I ask what would it take for them to reconsider, I was told that they would accept him back for the final few weeks if payment for 3 weeks in advance were PAID IN FULL at the rate of $150. He was down to 3 a week, so $1,350, before court the next day with the balance of $1,050. in advance before the final 21/2 weeks. Blackmail is what came to mind, along with this is who they expect will get people off meth and drugs, ones that don't give a darn about them only how much money they break down to. This is one of the reasons addicts find it so impossible to ever be free from addiction.
   Meth is not impossible to kick, it's the circumstances that are present when you attempt to kick that determine weather you will succeed. I am sure that if a person truly wants to stop meth and has something positive to take its place and the right support system in thier corner then they will make it. Remember this, whenever you remove a negative from your life you must replace it with something positive or you will be left with a large gaping hole to fill. And if nothing is brought in to replace the hole kicking meth leaves then you wil crave it beyond your control. But I promise you, don't you believe that meth is impossible to leave behind, because it's not. This I know for a fact.

   hi my name is sarah and im a meth user. hopefully soon to be in recovery. let me tell you what meth has done to me and my loved ones. well i first did crank, loved it but didnt really have the means to get hooked. then my sister and her boyfriend got on it and offered it to me. ice i mean. i fell for it hard. i have been using for about 3 years. i used a little even while i was pregnant. i have a 6 year old a 3 year old and a 2 year old. it is the only drug i use and i use it whenever possible. my body is a walking sore from all the picking at myself, i want to quit and plan to tomorrow. this is my last night tweeking and i ask for your prayers.

   I'm so sorry to read all these sad letters on here.I can say I never done drugs.It did tear my life apart though.My mom was on it first with her husband.All the crap me and my sister seen her go through, my sister got up in all that crap.Lost her kids for awhile, her job, car, home.I never knew what a life of hell that stuff caused.To consume your every thought,day and night.For all you parents,God Bless You.One good thing come from mom and sister being on drugs.My 3 kids seen first hand what Meth will do to you & they are very much afraid of drugs.To all addicts, recovering addicts,family of addicts, you are in my prayers.Best of luck.

Meth Story
   I know what its like to deal with Meth. I haven't dealt with it first hand but did grow up with it thru my older sister and it ruining my life.
   My older sister started using when her kids and I were in elementary school, then continued until we were in middle school.
   Life with her was living hell, all the screaming, hatred, and weird attitudes. We never knew what kind of mood she would be in. We were scared to go to the house just because we never knew what to expect. It was scary.
    My sister did get caught eventually after most of the hurt was done, her kids who one is 1 year younger than I am and the other one is 3 years younger than I am all had to move in with me and my mom, who was a single mom trying to raise me. We had a 3 bedroom trailor and it was tiny to begin with. With them moving in it began to cramp up even more. I shared my room with my one nephew and the other had the spare room and my cracked out sister and her bf had the living room floor. Soon after that my sister went to prison for 5 years and her boys moved in with her bf to another town. Thats was the hardest. Ive considered my newphews like brothers to me cause we were so close in age and were raised together. I have never been away from them until then.Time went by and my mom died while she was in prison. Our only brother died also due to cancer. I was taken by my "father" to live in another state. Two years later, my sister finally goes to live in a half way house and things were as back to normal as they could be.
   She would always tell us that she was sorry and that she would never do it again. She feels horrible what she did to our family and how her actions hurt the whole family. I truely believed her and also told her that if she ever did it again I would disown her cause I couldn't go through that much pain again. Not even 2 yrs of being out she started using again. I was 19 yrs old when she starting again and was going to college staying her on the weekends I would come home from college. I started noticing her weird behaviors and knew the cycle was starting to repeat itself again. Sure enough, her kids and I found shit in her drawer. I was devestate along with the boys. All the shit she put my mom and family thru wasn't enough for her not to do it again?! All I could do was scream at her, I was furious. She was only being selfish and thinking for herself. She confessed to using a couple of times, blaming us. We were the ones that drove her to do it again were her words... how the hell can anyone think that?
   Today was like the other phone calls. She blamed me for shit that didn't even deal with me. For some reason she has it out for me. Im the bad person cause I am making a life for myself and cannot deal with her shit anymore. I dont call her to hang out as sisters or to go shopping. I don't want anything to do with her until she can decide that she wants to help herself and quit treating the rest of the family like shit. Im tired of being lied to, screamed at, blamed on. I am old enough to say so. I will say so to her and I think thats why she hates me so bad, she cannot control me or my actions and doesn't have a clue as to whats going on in my life anymore. Sister, if your reading this I hope this will be your wake up call. Your two sons and I are done. We aren't going to be there for you to scream at anymore. YOu want a family you will have to look somewhere else because we are done dealing with this bullshit drama you put on.
   Your son is in Iraq being shot at and all you can care about is your meth, what does that say about you as a "mom"? Doesn't that hurt that he would rather talk to me about things than you or stay at my house when he comes home on leave? What are you going to do if he dies? I doubt you will even care. With mom dying I thought that would have been enough for you.. obviously not.
   I do love you and always will. But you need to understand I cannot deal with this shit anymore. Im scared to talk to you even to this day. I will always be your little sister and love you uncoditionally but you are adding alot of stress and anxiety to me where I can't function when I know I have to see you. I don't want to feel that way anymore.
--sad little sister

price of meth in alaska
   I was reading in your website and others like it to learn the longterm effects of meth since I have abused the substance. I've been clean for four months now but have been noticing shaking and intense craving for meth and any other substance that produces a similar high. Anyways, my main reason for contacting you is to report prices. Prices vary due to the purity of the product. Less than one quarter of a gram can be sold for fifty dollars and can keep you awake for forty-eight hours. Meth that has been "cut" will usually go for ten dollars per tenth of a gram but is only sold in half gram increments or more to make sure that the consumer gets enough "good" to come back for more. The way they distinguish between cut and good is the size of the crystals. larger chunks are the pure meth and smaller chunks are either part of a bad batch or crystalized b-12. The only way on the street to know if the crystal is meth or b-12 is to use it because b-12 has the same nasty ass taste. I am voluntarily giving this information to help. Meth f*@#ed up my life. And still is. I've been trying to join the Marines but omitted this information in talking to my recruiter. After seeing the longterm effects, I know now why they asked me and I realize that I must come clean for my safety and everybody elses. But you know what? If it wasn't for the cravings I would never have looked into the subject and probably would have relapsed. Thank you.

   I met my baby's father jordan when I was about to turn 19. He used drugs. I now understand why he acted the way he did. I fell in love with him becaue he had a great sense of humor but the longer we went out the more violent he became. He would choke me, I watched him choke his mother, I watched him choke his grandpa.I think I stayed with him so long because I didn't want to be alone and thought I loved him, which I did don't get me wrong, but I should have left him before things got so bad. I ended up having his baby. I don't hear from him the last I heard was that he got kicked out of where he was living. I am glad his grandfather finally took some action. nobody would stand up to him because they were too afraid of what he would do. he has a very bad temper and would hurt them. It maked me sad to think julie will never have a father who cares about her. only about himself and getting his next high.

Dear Keith
   I have a story. I was in a relationship with a man for thirteen years, In the eleventh year of our relationship, he started using meth. At first I was okay with it "cause I loved him and everything that he did was okay with me, I even started using with him. We had always had great sex but this made it even better, Bob never was much on talking to me or opening up so, when he was on Meth, we had some of our best times together talking (at first). Then I noticed that this was not a week end warrior thing it was and had become his whole life, I woke up one day wondering what am I doing and tried to convince him to give this drug up and he told me "never". I had to make a choice, being that I did not want an addiction in my life, life is hard enough to have to rely on something in order to get by,,,we fought over the drug and he would lie to me, and tell me he was not on it when I knew that he was because of the way that he would Grind his teeth and constantly "build" new pipes to smoke it out of, the fights got worse and I asked him to move out and I told him that I would give him one month to get his money together and get a place. (which I don't know why I was even that generous), he had plenty of new places to go....That month he locked himself into our bedroom not coming out unless he was going to work or to get his fix. He came addicted to this drug at work. He ended up with a girl that he worked with also that was addicted, they would say he would come in with black eyes and all banged up like they would fist fight. When I kicked him out, I found drugs and paraphernalia all over my house...I could have lost my children and or my home over this man. His relationship with he did not last long, don't know why, I try not to ask it hurts to bad for people to tell me anything good or bad/like I had a friend that worked a temp job with him for a while and could not believe how bad he looked and instead of feeling like "Good he deserves everything he gets, it killed my heart". Since I have not been with him ,I have heard that he cannot keep a job and that he looks really bad, skinny, dirty and greasy and his vehicle had been reposed. What gets me about this is when I kicked him out, I did it in hopes that he would open his eyes, instead he is just more involved than ever. His family was glad that we were no longer involved (they never gave me a fair chance), but the do not intervene with his addiction, In fact he comes from an addictive family and if he gets into trouble, they will just smack him on the hands and send him on his way. I guess that it is not my problem anymore, and I am glad that I decided not to live like this. When I went to his family they thought that I was just being vindictive. I was trying to have them intervene cause they "love him". I have yet to get over this man, I moved from the town, cause everywhere I went was his family and I felt like I could not move on, and I felt like "How come it was so important for them to keep us away from each other, yet not important enough to help him in the help that he needs. I have done several 100 hours in research on the subject and what it does to your body, this man use to be one of the smartest men that I ever had known, Now I don't know what kind of damage his body and brain had endured from the Meth. Like I said, I am out of the picture but I feel like there is something that I need to do to help him...because I do and always will love him. I don't want to be back with him ever because he is not the same man the drug has changed everything about him. I loved the Bob that I knew...But, I do care enough about him still that I would be his friend and help out and steer him in the right direction if he ever failed....... Please if you have never tried this...stay that way..it is Death.....97% of the drugs users of meth...never get off the drug completely...they go back.... ... This to me is like a Suicide this man has killed the man that my children and I knew and loved...........And a Suicide leaves families forever grieving and asking why and what could I had done? I have become a Christian now and it actually saved my life and his/cause I was going to shoot him for breaking my heart......Now I pray to move on in my life...but I still have reoccurring dreams about this man and that he is reaching out to me, and these have happened at least two or three times a week, I have prayed why cant I move On? and that is why I feel like there is a purpose for me to still carry this man and his burden in my heart and my thoughts everyday.... Can you beleive that I can still carry this with me after two years? I am trying to forgive his family for not seeing the truth...I hope that he gets off this drug, I pray for him everyday. You may share my story if it will help anyone.......And I pray it does. Thank you and God bless you and what you are doing with the stories or users and the families/people in there life that they affect.

   Hi this is the first time I every looked at the letters. I am just going to keep it simple to say I am grateful for this sight and I hope we can all come together and pray that the this drug will leave us for good one day. It is a terrible drug, I have only a few weeks clean. I will win this battle I am going to get a month clean then three months, six months a year and have no fear I can't do it alone, I have to tell the truth and do it for the youth. I don't want innocent children to do this drug. I have a goal to get clean. Preach to the children how it almost destroyed my dream, how I used to scream. How I reached for god and he took the addiction away. I was healed from 10 Yrs of damage and destruction. No I function and act right, not run away to numb with the drug I was a bum. No I can have real fun not fake. Go bake a cake. Eat it and not get fat. I gain weight with the drug not lose. So I can quit and not be a loser but lose what matters fat. Live live not lose it. I pray this in Jesus name that I will never be the same. The drug is insane at time it seemed fun that's cause I was spun.

   I am a 22 year old male,I live in Australia...I started using typical white powder cut speed when i was 15..That soon turned to what was to become my drug of choice "extacy"...I ate "X" every single weekend for 5 and a half years,the other 6 months i was using meth all day every day...Its strange you know for a while i was using meth only on weekends or sometimes only every couple of weekends,thats when i was still eating between 7 and 10 "x" pills a night...the meth was just to top it off....Then the pills seemed to be a waste of money,"why am i spending this money on all those pills when i could be buying meth with that money"...And so it began.The money i was spending on pills was now being spent on meth..and so was rent money,fuel money,bills money every bit of money i could get my hands on.When i relised i could no longer afford my "habbit" i built up quite a little network of people who could not get it unless it was through me.Therefore everytime any one else needed it i would have to get it,i would take my "tax" out of the bag and of course be there for the use of the bag...hence i was no longer paying for my now "addiction"...I was using meth before work,at work,after work...as i said literally all day every day for 5 months.I could not see how this was a problem because as far as i new no one could tell i was using.Little did i know i was breaking the hearts of all those around me as they stood bye and watched me slowly kill myself...My boss at work told me he was planning on firing me when i came to him and told him i was an addict.So all though i thought i was fooling everyone i was actually effecting the lives of all those around me.Meth was fun at first,then as it started to create problems in my life i started using it to cover these problems....in effect the bad things in my life were covered up and the good things seemed great...then as time went on the bad things stayed bad and the good things got worse,then they got worse again and before i knew it the good things in my life became bad things as well...so i was just using meth to cover up everything in my life,,,i was living on a cloud of meth...not knowing what was high and what was reality and not really caring either...When i relised i hated the idea of living a day without meth i admited to myself i had a problem...the next day i told my father who had been in AA for 16 years.he also had a problem with drugs but more so with alchohol...He embraced me and told me everything would be ok..i thought it would be ok.The next 3 days were to be the worse 3 days of my life...the pain i went through coming off meth was intense...i lasted 12 days clean before i relapsed..I went on a 6 day binge in which i did not sleep,eat or consider the feelings of those around me.As i sit here writing this i am only now 5 days clean and thanking god for every minute that passes in which i do not use the devils drug..the one..the only...the pewtrid METH..I can honestly say that meth came very close to taking everything i thought was special in my life,family,carea,friends and other possesions.But i thank god he gave me a second chance to retrieve those thing and i hold them even closer now..If everything i went through bought me to writing this,,and by writing this even one person out there can save themselves the pain of METH.i am more than happy to have gone through what i did...eyesopenoncemore...............

   This drug is the worst thing in the whole world. I refer to it as the devil! My parents have been using for years off and on, I have used for 2 years off and on I’m 17 now almost 18 my name is Amber and my parents moved to Arizona in march of 2005 and I got left here and am now living with my grandma. My dad started using in Arizona when on April 22, 2005 he stabbed my mom to death this is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with I miss her so much that its hard I want to blame myself if only I had got to go with them but I got put into the attention homes in Cheyenne under protective custody against my parents trying to get away form that life style. If I was their maybe I could of stopped it. Everything happens for a reason. Now she’s watching over me and I’m helping my dad to come back into reality I miss him and my brother so much my brother is living with my grandparents up there and he’s doing great he’s only 15! But loosing my mom gave me a reason to quite but I started using this summer when I got into trouble my grandma gave me a ua I had meth in it she showed it to the cops they put me in fCS for two weeks I got out on probation for 6 months but I’m getting off on Jan. 14th when I turn 18 because I’ve done so good had all clean ua's and i look forward to everyday another day clean I hope I keep it this way and the more I let god in the more the devil will leave me alone I crave everyday but the hardest thing to do is ay no but every time I say no I feel more and more better about myself I test myself allot I’m around it just about once a week but I cant do it forever someday ill half to put my foot down and stop hanging out with those ppl. I've lost everything family myself my freedom and now i'm starting over with a mew life if its possible for me and i’m so strong any one can do it just put your self to it I’m praying for everyone I wish you all luck!

   Meth is amazing! You cant believe the amount of work you can accomplish; how organized and focused your mind seems to operate. How amazing you are in bed. And it only takes a tiny bit! And it's cheap!
   At first your like, "This shit's gotta be horrible for you", the way it changes every feeling in your body, transforming you into a highly productive, outgoing overachiever with no need for sleep nor food. "I'll just do it every once in a while when I need it"i.e....big, overwhelming projects or those times when you need to get an amazing amount of work done in a short amount of time, like moving or doing your taxes. And it works. You can really blow it out, whatever it is.
   That's when your brain starts to literally change. Subconscously, you start to realize that you can put things off and 'blow them out' later, and take on more side jobs. And, at first, you're 'money'. Amazing yourself and the people around you...or so you think. Then you start rationalizing more frequent use. Unfortunately each time requires a little bit more. And the high, not lasting quite as long, comes with a downfall more devistating everytime. You learn that it's not really the day after a tweeksession, but the two to three days after, that are the depressed, crushed, unmotivated times. This tricks the user, at first, into not realizing that their depression, paranoia, violent behavior, etc., is correlated to a tiny bump or a coulpe if hits from a few of days ago. The abnormal behavior is subtle, at first.
   Then, a series of major undertakings will fall into your lap (no matter what it is--it's "huge" to you.) Things like cleaning the house, or raking the leaves seem like these monumental tasks that have you contemplating, "maybe I should go grab a twenty and just blow this out".
I mean, once you've experienced rapidly, happily accomplishishing your daily routine a couple of times with no need to stop to eat or rest...your brain, without you knowing it, decides that that is the way it should be, and you're addicted before you've even spent your 50th buck on the shit . So as the clothes pile up, and the side jobs go half finished, absolutley no motivation will come. Soon every task you can think of seems to require a 'lil somethin-somethin'. Things start happening to you that never happened before. You get fired from a job, or get physical with someone you love. So you decide to quit for a while.
Then you get behind at work, decide to tile your kitchen, or wax your car, and you think...hmmm, maybe I should just blow out all three?! Don't do it. Ever.

Break The Cycle

It isn't too late to save your dream.
All your effort seeping to skin, the cycle you still feed.
All the profit spent on the desire to numb the bitter truth.
Needing more than receiving, losing as much as you consume.

Sleepless, still no escape or way to dream.
Never seeming ahead in life, the cycle you still feed.
Far past even fiending for the past.
Like a circle, ever ending not beginning to pass.

What you give is never enough, the need seems always more.
All the profit spent, still depending like before.
No matter how many times you walk away
You're still too blind to see the price you pay.

You throw away your life and all it has to give,
Hope your satisfied with this life you've come to live.
Drowning in the smoke and ash, it's all that you have left.
Will you take it to the grave when it takes away your last breath?

Index of Stories & Letters

Email letters to kcimeth@yahoo.com

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