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How is a functioning user defined?
What is an every day user?

vctry7 How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
1. How is a functioning user defined? I think of someone that is able to go to work every day, pay all their bills, keep their life organized, and basically just keep their life together. I only know of one person that has kept their job, their business, family, and has never went to jail. But, that is only because his wife is a non-user and keeps everything together for him. Although he does get hospitalized for different health problem about 3 times a year.

2. What is an every day user? Does that just mean using everyday that you can? Everyone I know would use for a few days or a week until they ran out of dope or were too physically or mentally sick to go any longer. Then they would go back to using as soon as they got well.

I know this probably sounds stupid to some, but I was just wondering.
Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
1. How is a functioning user defined? I think of someone that is able to go to work every day, pay all their bills, keep their life organized, and basically just keep their life together.
2. What is an every day user? Does that just mean using everyday that you can?
it means you use everyday, or you feel like crap.
Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
1. How is a functioning user defined?

I like the way Pen says it best-
if you have to have it to function, you are not functioning.

I agree, there is no such thing as a functioning user.
Just a matter of time before all is lost.


2. What is an every day user?

I take it as meaning you use every day.

Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
the way I see it from reading stuff at this site

first of all, everybody is different. i think some people spiral down faster than others, but eventually end up in the same boat. Maybe some people are better at hiding it than others. Maybe some have enablers that keep things together FOR them. Some people admit that they have a problem quicker than another person. I am sure there are all kinds of different situations.... Everybody's life is SO different than the next, so I think that has a lot to do with it.

I think if someone got caught doing drugs and their spouse/family found out...they could stop for awhile until they felt it was safe (no one was watching) to use again. (BUT still) I really don't understand how someone might use for 10 years and not hit bottom and someone else hits bottom after 6 months. BUT again I'd have to read what I just wrote above....everybody has different circumstances.

But like I have read before, you may be doing a certain amount to function, but eventually the amount you need just keeps increasing, because your tolerance to the drug builds up.
vctry7 Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
Thank you for the replies. I had my own opinions about the first question. I don't think there is such a thing a functioning user, unless they have an enabler to do it for them.

This is an example of why I was having trouble with my second question. I have been addicted to pain pills and other downers and know others that have. We were everyday users. We would ration the pills to make sure we never ran out before the next script or hook up. I could never do that with meth and do not personally know anyone else that could. I would buy however much and then say "I'm only going to stay up one night. I am only going to do this much today and that much tomorrow.". All that went out the window after the first hit. We would use it until it was gone and then beg/borrow/steal to get more until we could not function to make it to the dealer. Then we would crash. Then wake up and swear never to do it again. Until we felt good enough and had acquired enough money a few days or a week later, of course. Very pathetic. So that is why when I hear someone say they used everyday for 15 years or however long I am shocked. I think how is that possible. Only one year of heavy use - using everyday that I was able - almost killed me.

I know I am probably splitting hairs. I guess I am just bored today and feel like over analyzing everything.
Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
to me..
....a "functional user" just started using.
the time frame could be anywhere from a year to 10 years
depending on the person and their particular character flaws and mental disorders.

in time we all become...everyday users...that aren't as functional.

to me it describes the beginning of the love affair with
a real bastard, that never ends in happily ever after.
.... daily use is a nice way to say "strung out" or "addicted" and is the stretch of time you experience
right before the shyt hits the fan.
Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?


Only one year of heavy use - using everyday that I was able - almost killed me.

Same here. In the very beginning I could ration it out.
Not so as time went on.
And it did almost kill me - literally.

At the time I would have argued differently. At the time both my husband and myself felt very strongly we were just occasional users. How we came to that conclusion seeing every day was an occasion to use I don't know.
But we did.
My husband again this last run thought the very same thing.
Up until he was clean for a few weeks.
He was just one more time away from losing it all- job, marriage, health. He just didn't know it at the time.
Didn't really realize how close he came to losing his job until he had a talk with his boss this past year and admitted he had been hooked on meth.
That is when his boss told him that yes he knew something was up and yes he had been discussing with others in the company about firing my husband.

Functional user ? No lucky user is more like it.

Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
Oh not me!....speed was good for me.
it was just my loved ones I quit for.
....I loved being strung out, and desperate all the time.
the hallucinations and severe ADHD, stealing and lying..
terror of running out......were all great fun.

vlussi Re: How is a functioning user defined? What is an every day user?
When I first started using, I owned my own business, I used to say If someone has a job, and is using ,they were O.K. The losers were the unemployed, How did they support their habit? Most of them were either dealing or stealing, I always thought I was better than most until I lost everything. I sold my business for half of what is was worth and went through the money in 3 months. I had so many friends until the money was gone. I used to lie to myself all the time about being a functional addict. I can remember closing down my business in the afternoon to get more drugs. I even had a sign on my window posted business hours A.M. hours would say "when I get here"

See also:

What is an "occasional" user of meth?

Is there such a thing as a recreational user of crystal meth?

Can a person be a casual meth user?

Question about low-intensity Meth user

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